Uber has launched a new boat-hailing service in India, offering tourists the chance to ride the iconic Shikara boats on Dal Lake in Kashmir. These brightly colored wooden boats, adorned with cushions for comfort, provide a scenic experience for visitors, now available to book through Uber.
Tourists can reserve rides on the app at least 12 hours and up to 15 days in advance. The service connects riders with Shikara operators but doesn’t impose a fee, ensuring that the entire ticket cost is paid directly to the operators. Approximately 4,000 Shikaras currently operate on the lake, making the service a significant addition to the local tourism industry.
While some Shikara operators expressed optimism about Uber’s entry, hoping it would reduce bargaining disputes and ensure fair payments, others were skeptical, suggesting the app might not bring substantial changes. Reuters reported this mix of opinions among operators.
This initiative is part of Uber’s broader diversification into transport services beyond cars. Since launching Uber Copter in 2019 and Uber Boat in London, the company has expanded its reach to include services like scooter rentals, flight bookings, and even coding professionals for hire.