Telegram has reached profitability, according to founder Pavel Durov, who shared the milestone in a post on Monday. The popular messaging app achieved over $1 billion in total revenue for 2024, marking a significant step in its growth journey.
The company’s financial health appears robust, with more than $500 million in cash reserves as it closes out the year—excluding its cryptocurrency holdings. Its premium subscription service, launched in 2022, has played a pivotal role in this achievement, attracting 12 million paid users globally.
Durov also highlighted that Telegram has made progress in reducing its debt. The company issued approximately $2 billion in bonds over the past four years, repaying a significant portion during the fall to capitalize on favorable bond prices. Despite these advances, Durov noted, “There’s a lot of work ahead.”
Earlier projections by Durov suggested Telegram would reach profitability in 2025, with ambitions for a public listing in the future. However, its current performance shows the company is ahead of schedule.
With a user base exceeding 950 million monthly active users, Telegram has been innovating to sustain growth. Recent initiatives include features tailored for businesses, an ad revenue-sharing program, monetization options for creators via paid content on channels, and the launch of a mini app store.
The company’s focus on diversifying revenue streams appears to be paying off, ensuring a sustainable model while addressing user and market demands.